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Asked and Answered: Why do I NEED a strategy?

This is something we teach all of our clients big and small – why and how to implement a strategy.

There are a lot of companies that are functioning without a strategy; although there will come a time when you must move forward in a direction that may be new, different, and difficult – you just never know.  This is where strategy can play a key role in your direction and decisions.

This article is part of Effició’s asked-and-answered series. In this blog series, we share the resources, tools, advice, and infrastructure changes you need to address without sacrificing your vision. The strategic planning process determines where an organization is going over some time, how it will get there, and how it will know if it got there.  Strategy is truly about developing long-term targets, hitting short-term targets (vision), and managing day-to-day activities.

Strategy is more than just a catchphrase in today’s competitive business environment.  It’s a necessary tool that will help you identify your niche in the marketplace and set your company apart from the competition.  However, many entrepreneurs fail to consider the importance of taking their overriding strategy and turning it into something tangible.

Why You Need a Strategy


So your business stays on course and avoids obstacles that do not get you closer to the established long-term targets.  Having a strategy is crucial to sustaining a successful business enterprise. Strategy is defining where you want to go with your company and how you plan to get there.  Your strategy is what enables you to ensure that your day-to-day tasks and decisions complement your long-term business vision while ultimately meeting your customers’ needs.

The best way to implement a strategy is to generate a strategic blueprint – a document that clearly defines the goals you have for each operational area of your business and maps out executable steps to reach them.

I hope this helps you begin to understand the why.  The next step is to engage in strategic planning to determine how you will integrate strategy into your overall business.

To test if you’re truly being strategic, ask yourself this question:  “When you get to where you’re going, where will you be?”  If you’re not sure of the answer, this is why you need a strategy now!

Wishing you success and prosperity!

© Effició, Inc.


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